Thursday, April 7, 2011

Retreat Center Update

The Byrd Retreat Center is in the process of getting a long overdue facelift! 

Phase I was new flooring and painting, and has been completed.  We have also been replacing HVAC units in the bedrooms as they wear out.  A special thanks goes to Steve Church of Church's Carpet in Hickory, NC for his assistance with this project. 

Phase II will be replacing the bedroom furnishings.  We had planned to use a company that specialized in high end hotel liquidations, which would have enabled us to furnish the rooms at a bargin cost.  Unfortunately, hotels have slowed renovations due to the slow economy and we will not be able to get the furniture this way.  So, it looks as if we will be running into more expense than we orignially thought. 

If you, or your church, would like to be part of this project, we have five bedrooms left that can be sponsored in honor/memory of someone at $1,000 each.  Call the camp at 828-437-8788 or e-mail Mischia at for more information.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I love to clip box tops.  It is an easy and nearly effortless way to help out local schools.  We now have a way for you to support the camp that is also free and nearly effortless!  Introducing...

You can earn money by searching the web and/or when you shop online. 

If you use iGive to search the web, the camp will receive $0.01 per search.  This may not seem like much, but those pennies could add up!  If each person on our mailing list did one search per week for a year the camp could earn over $2300.00.  To make it easy to search with iGive, there is a simple toolbar that can be installed with your Internet Explorer. 

If you do very much online shopping we could be earning a percent of your purchases at no additional cost to you!  There are over 700 stores who team up with iGive.  When you shop at one of these stores with your iGive account activated the camp will receive a percent of your sales.  I have seen everything from 0.8% to 8%, depending on the store.  Some of our favorite participating stores are...
Al: iTunes, Best Buy,
Mischia:  Coldwater Creek, Family Christian, Amazon
Caleb:  Lowes, Bass Pro Shop
Mary:  Shutterfly, Staples, Babies R Us

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Summer Camp 2011


June 13-17          Children's Camp          Mel LaMar
June 20-24          Children's Camp          Mel LaMar
June 27 - July 1   Children's Camp          Mel LaMar
July 4-8               Children's Camp          Mel LaMar
July 10-15           Youth Mission Camp   Speaker and The Tim Johnson Band
July 18-22           Coed Camp                 Dickie Spargo
July 25-29           Children's Camp          Earl Long
August 1-5          Children's Camp          Earl Long
August 7-10        Girls' Camp                 Emily P. Rudolph       
August 10-13      Boys' Camp                Al Tinnin


The Biggest Loser
Matthew 16:25  "For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it."


We are still taking reservations where we have room!  Call Mary at camp, 828-437-8788 or e-mail for more information or to make your reservation today!